Centre for Policy on Ageing


The abuse, neglect and mistreatment of older people in care homes and hospitals in England
 — observations on the potential for secondary data analysis
Author(s)Jill Manthorpe, Martin Stevens, Shereen Hussein, Hazel Heath, Nat Lievesley
Corporate AuthorSocial Care Workforce Research Unit, King's College London
PublisherKing's College London, Social Care Workforce Research Unit, London, 2011
Pages75 pp
KeywordsElder abuse ; Neglect [care] ; Care homes ; Hospital services ; Qualitative Studies ; Quantitative studies ; Literature reviews ; England.
AnnotationThe Department of Health (DH) and Comic Relief commissioned this study in 2009 (under the PANICOA programme, Preventing Abuse and Neglect in Institutional Care of Older Adults), to investigate potential data sources, suitable for secondary analysis, on the abuse, mistreatment and neglect of vulnerable older people in care homes and hospitals in England. The authors used a broad definition of elder abuse to cover mistreatment, neglect and abuse. Some of these subjects are criminal offences; others are contrary to professional codes, service standards or breaches of human rights. The main part of this study involved 'desk research' - an exploration of what data is collected, why, by whom and about what. In addition, a set of interviews was undertaken with people who collect and analyse information on this subject and those who make use of such information to uphold older people's rights. The authors found that data are scarce and limited, definitions and collection are unsystematised centrally and locally, and that collation from various and disparate sources is required. This report brings together this information to identify the different ways in which data on abuse of older people in hospital and care home settings are collected and collated It highlights areas where we can have confidence in the reliability of information, and identifies gaps in the information sources. It makes recommendations to policy makers, regulators, professional bodies, local Adult Safeguarding Boards, commissioners, and the research and information communities.
Accession NumberCPA-131101206 E
ClassmarkQNT: QNR: KW: LD: 3DP: 3DQ: 64A: 82

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