Centre for Policy on Ageing


Roles and identities in transition
 — boundaries of work and inter-professional relationships at the interface between telehealth and primary care
Author(s)Julia Segar, Anne Rogers, Chris Salisbury, Clare Thomas
Journal titleHealth and Social Care in the Community, vol 21, no 6, November 2013
PublisherWiley Blackwell, November 2013
Pagespp 606-613
KeywordsMedical care ; Assistive technology ; Information technology ; General practice ; Coordination ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Multi disciplinary ; Qualitative Studies ; England.
AnnotationTechnology-based interventions are seen as key to the future of home- and community-based care to complement primary care. Telehealthcare implicates a new agenda for inter-professional working across boundaries of healthcare. One such interface is between telehealthcare professionals and professionals located in primary care. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with telehealth nurse care managers, practice nurses and general practitioners in their respective work settings (39 interviews with 62 participants) to examine the interprofessional relationships between telehealthcare professionals and professionals located in primary care. The study was part of the Healthlines Study research programme carried out in partnership with NHS Direct; it focused on a Telehealth Scheme, a telephone advice service supporting patients in their self-care of a number of long-term conditions. Observation was undertaken at a telehealth call centre. The research took place between April 2010 and March 2011. Thematic analysis of qualitative data was undertaken. Telehealth nurse care managers' interviews suggested narrative constructions of new roles and identities to fit telehealth work, combining a holistic ideal and retro-appeal with `traditional' values of nursing, which distinguished and distanced them from counterparts in general practices. Practice nurses and general practitioners were ambivalent and often sceptical about the contribution of telehealth to long-term condition work. Practice nurses' accounts suggested a sense of protectiveness about maintaining boundaries around established remits of managing long-term conditions; general practitioners, having devolved much of the care of long-term conditions to nurses, were keen to retain their positions as gatekeepers to resources. Perceptions of shifts of professional roles, new ways of working and how they are valued form a relevant contextual element to the introduction of telehealth interventions. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-131025204 A
ClassmarkLK: M: UVB: L5: QAJ: QK6: 3DM: 3DP: 82

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