Centre for Policy on Ageing


10 questions to ensure good end of life care in your area
Author(s)Simon Chapman
Corporate AuthorDying Matters Coalition; National Council for Palliative Care - NCPC; Marie Curie Cancer Care
PublisherNational Council for Palliative Care; Marie Curie Cancer Care, London, 2013
Pages18 pp
SourceNational Council for Palliative Care, The Fitzpatrick Building, 188-194 York Way, London N7 9AS. www.ncpc.org.uk
KeywordsTerminal care ; Death ; Dying ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationThis document is published with the implementation of health and social care reforms in April 2013 and how they are made to work for the benefit of people approaching the end of life and the people caring for them. It asks why each of the ten questions is important, what else to ask, and suggests further information sources. Local provision on end of life care is considered with questions about: where people are dying and where they are being cared for before they die; the quality of care received; the systems that identify people approaching the end of life and how plans about care can be coordinated; services "at any time of day and night" to enable people to be cared for in the place they want to be; support for carers, including into bereavement; services that are genuinely available and accessible to all; training in end of life care for staff; end of life care as a priority, including leadership and accountability; raising public awareness about death, dying and bereavement; and involving local people and those with personal experience in shaping and evaluating services. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-130913001 B
ClassmarkLV: CW: CX: 583

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