Centre for Policy on Ageing


Ageing population in Malta
 — reflections of the life course transitions and demographic trends
Author(s)Maja Miljanic Brinkworth
Journal titleBold, vol 23, no 4, August 2013
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), Valletta, Malta, August 2013
Pagespp 2-11
KeywordsAgeing process ; Life span ; Population ; Demography ; Life expectancy tables ; Malta.
AnnotationLooks at current demographic trends in Malta including the ageing population, life expectancy, issues around mortality and longevity, the declining rate of fertility and the impact of immigration. Concludes with probabilistic projections of Malta's population to 2060, with particular focus on the 65+ population. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130830212 A
ClassmarkBG: BG6: S3: S8: S7: 76W

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