Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older adults navigating medicare
 — when benefits are denied
Author(s)Karen M Aranha, Nancy J Bell, Charlotte Dunham
Journal titleJournal of Gerontological Social Work, vol 56, no 2, February-March 2013
PublisherTaylor & Francis, February-March 2013
Pagespp 146-163
KeywordsHealth services ; Health insurance ; Financial services [older people] ; Policy ; Theory ; Qualitative Studies.
AnnotationBourdieu's Theory of Practice and Symbolic Violence (1977, 1993) is applicable to studying transactions between beneficiaries and the health care system. An assumption of the theory is that hierarchical systems are impregnated with unequal symbolic powers. Guided by this theory, the present qualitative study explored experiences and perceptions of older beneficiaries who had been denied rehabilitation services by Medicare. In semi-structured interviews, 12 beneficiaries or family members told of the physical, psychological and financial consequences of service denial and/or termination. The resulting perception of Medicare was as a cumbersome, difficult to negotiate system. Findings have implications for future research on service denial and indicate the need for better communication with and support of consumers by health care professionals when this occurs. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130823228 A
ClassmarkL: WPG: J: QAD: 4D: 3DP

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