Centre for Policy on Ageing


The billion dollar question
 — embedding prevention in older people's services - ten 'high-impact' changes
Author(s)Kerry Allen, Jon Glasby
Journal titleBritish Journal of Social Work, vol 43, no 5, July 2013
PublisherOxford University Press, July 2013
Pagespp 904-924
KeywordsPreventative medicine ; Services ; Health services ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationWith ageing populations, social changes and rising public expectations, many countries are exploring ways of developing a more preventative approach within their health and social care services. In England, this has become a growing priority over time - made even more significant by recent economic change, and by the urgent need to reduce public sector spending. However, a key dilemma for policy makers and managers is the patchy nature of the evidence base. Added to this dilemma is a lack of certainty over how to reform services or to prioritise spending in order to develop a more genuinely preventative approach. Against this background, this commentary reviews national and international evidence around ten policy measures and interventions: promoting healthy lifestyles; vaccination; screening; falls prevention; housing adaptations and practical support; telecare and technology; intermediate care; re-ablement; partnership working between health and social care; and personalisation. The commentary highlights some of the most promising approaches, as well as the fragmented and contested nature of the evidence base. The authors recommend referral to the 2009 national evaluation of the Partnerships for Older People Projects (POPPs) and a national evaluation of the Health Action Zones (2005): these evaluations shed light on some key challenges and opportunities when developing preventative approaches. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-130823202 A
ClassmarkLK2: I: L: 64A

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