Centre for Policy on Ageing


Financial exploitation of older persons in adult care settings
 — comparisons to physical abuse and the justice system's response
Author(s)Brian K Payne, Sheryl M Strasser
Journal titleJournal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, vol 24, no 3, July/September 2012
PublisherTaylor and Francis, July/September 2012
Pagespp 231-250
KeywordsFinancial services [older people] ; Elder abuse ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Criminal law ; Social surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe characteristics of elder financial exploitation cases perpetrated against older people receiving long term care are investigated. This study also distinguishes between how elder financial exploitation cases by the criminal justice system and those of elder physical abuse are processed in the US. A sample of 242 elder financial abuse cases and 314 elder physical abuse cases handled by Medicaid Fraud Control Units were selected and analysed. The results show that while the characteristics of elder financial abuse are similar in terms of the gender of the offender and victim, victims tend to be older, and offenders tend to come from a broader range of occupations. Four aspects of elder financial exploitation make it particularly troublesome: multiple victims, health issues, offence duration, and lack of witnesses. Comparison of the criminal penalties applied shows that the justice system views financial offences equally serious to, if not more serious than, physical abuse cases. Implications for policy, practice and research are provided. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-130810203 A
ClassmarkJ: QNT: KW: LHB: VX: 3F: 7T

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