Centre for Policy on Ageing


Perceptual quality of neighbourhood design and feelings of unsafety
Author(s)Elisabeth de Donder, Tine Buffel, Sarah Dury
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 33, no 6, August 2013
PublisherCambridge University Press, August 2013
Pagespp 917-937
KeywordsNeighbourhoods, communities etc ; Urban areas ; Urban and rural planning ; Crime ; Anxiety ; Attitude ; Social surveys ; Belgium.
AnnotationThis paper takes the quality of life in the neighbourhood as a starting point, and appeals to the framework of Age-friendly cities to gain insights in how "the neighbourhood as a physical surrounding" can either promise or hinder feelings of unsafety in later life. It examines the impact of the perceived design of the neighbourhood on feelings of unsafety and the neighbourhood mainly concentrates on incivilities and disorder. Other physical-spatial features of the neighbourhood are rarely taken into consideration. Using data generated from the Belgian Ageing Studies (N=25,980), multivariate analyses indicate that a neighbourhood which is perceived to be physically adapted to the needs of older people (in terms of accessibility and distance to services) heightens feelings of safety. The findings demonstrate the need to reduce behaviour constraints by redesigning ear-related physical features. This conclusion raises practical implications, and formulates a number of policy recommendations to tackle feelings of being unsafe in an ageing society. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-130802001 A
ClassmarkRH: RK: RR: TWA: ENP: DP: 3F: 76E

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