Centre for Policy on Ageing


Dementia advocacy in a time of austerity
Author(s)Geraldine Brown, Nicola Standen, Kanwal Khilji
Journal titleWorking with Older People, vol 17, no 2, 2013
PublisherEmerald, 2013
Pagespp 58-64
KeywordsDementia ; Advocacy ; Voluntary agencies ; Qualitative Studies.
AnnotationAn exploratory study on the provision of dementia advocacy adopted a qualitative approach. Data is based on 17 semi-structured interviews with a range of key stakeholders, and on observations of the practice of advocates working in third sector organisations in five localities across the UK. The study draws attention to the benefits of advocacy as a means of supporting older people with dementia; and illuminates internal and external challenges encountered by third sector organisations providing this type of support. The study captures the additional dimension that austerity brings to third sector organisations working in this field and the ways in which financial constraints are shaping the field of dementia advocacy. This paper contributes to ongoing debates in relation to a contradiction between the coalition government's Big Society ideas and the reality as it unfolds in a specific part of the third sector. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-130712209 A
ClassmarkEA: IQ: PK: 3DP

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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