Centre for Policy on Ageing


The INTERLINKS framework for long-term care of older people in Europe
Author(s)Jenny Billings
Journal titleJournal of Integrated Care, vol 21, no 3, 2013
PublisherEmerald, 2013
Pagespp 126-138
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Services ; Community care ; Informal care ; Long term ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Coordination ; Projects ; Europe.
AnnotationThe present study aimed to describe the methodological approach to and outcomes of a European multi-consortium EU 7th Framework funded project entitled `INTERLINKS'. The project sought to develop a concept and method to describe and analyse long-term care (LTC) and its links with the health and social care systems, and formal and informal care. Through the development of a template, it accumulated and validated practice examples that described good policy and practice, transferable across EU member states. The outcome was to assemble a range of themes, sub-themes and 135 key issues into a web-based framework for LTC that was illustrated by over 100 examples of validated practice in LTC for older people. Key messages emanating from the project were provided, with an emphasis on the need for greater investment and pluralist evaluation of initiatives that sought to address the interfaces and links between care services. This project was unique in that it provided a comprehensive and accessible interactive European database of policy and projects that directly addressed the problems of interfaces between service provision for older people, and contributed towards the evidence base in discrete areas of LTC. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130712200 A
ClassmarkCC: I: PA: P6: 4Q: QK6: QAJ: 3E: 74

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