Centre for Policy on Ageing


Urban and rural variations in the characteristics associated with elder mistreatment in a community-dwelling Chinese population
Author(s)Xinqi Dong, Melissa Andrea Simon
Journal titleJournal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, vol 25, no 2, March/May 2013
PublisherTaylor and Francis, March/May 2013
Pagespp 97-125
KeywordsElder abuse ; Living in the community ; Quality of life ; Urban areas ; Rural areas ; Comparison ; China.
AnnotationUrban and rural differences in characteristics associated with elder mistreatment (EM) in a Chinese population are compared. A cross-sectional study of 269 urban and 135 rural participants aged 60+ was performed. Among those with EM, rural participants were more likely to be women, have lower levels of education and income, have lower levels of health status and quality of life, have worse change in recent health, and have lower levels of psychosocial well-being. Both higher levels of depressive symptoms and lower levels of social support were associated with increased risk of EM. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-130531200 A
ClassmarkQNT: K4: F:59: RK: RL: 48: 7DC

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