Centre for Policy on Ageing


The Francis report
 — what it means for geriatrics, the BGS, our patients and their families
Author(s)David Oliver
Journal titleBGS Newsletter, no 42, March 2013
PublisherBritish Geriatrics Society, March 2013
Pagespp 8-12
KeywordsHospital services ; Patients ; Medical care ; Complaints [services] ; The Family ; Geriatricians.
AnnotationThe publication in February 2013 of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry chaired by Robert Francis may, in hindsight, prove to be a watershed in the history of the NHS in England. This article outlines the Francis Inquiry's findings and their relevance to geriatricians (more are needed), and how hospitals relate to and involve families, patients and staff in improving care and maintaining an effective health service. The author concludes that geriatricians should "be in the vanguard of helping to transform training for medical and nursing staff", and to have "a key role in developing national fundamental standards of care". (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-130426207 A
ClassmarkLD: LF: LK: QLV: SJ: QT4

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