Centre for Policy on Ageing


The Australian first-time grandparents study
 — time spent with the grandchild and its predictors
Author(s)John Condon, Carolyn Corkindale, Mary Luszcz, Elizabeth Gamble
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 32, no 1, March 2013
PublisherWiley Blackwell, March 2013
Pagespp 21-27
KeywordsGrandparents ; Grandchildren ; Grandparents as carers ; Family relationships ; Attitude ; Well being.
AnnotationThis paper presented data on the amount of contact a large cohort of first-time Australian grandparents had with their grandchild, and the amount of child care they provided. It compared these with grandparents' expectations and desired levels. Prospective grandparents were assessed on multiple measures before the birth of their grandchild, and at 6, 12, 24 and 36 months thereafter. At the 12-month assessment, grandmothers had approximately 15 hours per week contact, and provided approximately 7.5 hours per week of child care. The corresponding figures for grandfathers were 9.5 hours and 5 hours respectively. Approximately 10% of grandparents reported no contact with their grandchild, and 30_40% reported undertaking no child care. Almost half the grandparents desired more contact than they were actually getting. Accurate quantification of contact and care is a prerequisite for investigation of the impact of the transition to grandparenthood on health and well-being. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130412220 A
ClassmarkSW: SW5: P6:SW: DS:SJ: DP: D:F:5HH

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