Centre for Policy on Ageing


Arts programmes and quality of life for people with dementia
 — a review
Author(s)Katie Salisbury, Katherine Algar, Gill Windle
Journal titleJournal of Dementia Care, vol 19, no 3, May/June 2011
PublisherHawker Publications, May/June 2011
Pagespp 33-37 (Research focus)
KeywordsDementia ; Cultural activities ; Quality of life ; Well being ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationDo we know enough about the potential of visual art programmes to improve the quality of life and well-being of people with dementia? The authors conducted a search of PsychInfo, ASSIA and Medline for peer-reviewed research papers on the use of the arts in dementia care. Combinations of keywords were used: dementia, Alzheimer's, creative, visual, art*, self-esteem, quality of life, psychological well*, older, elder*, museum. The resulting search (which also included grey literature) yielded 3992 potentially relevant papers, of which copies of 42 were obtained (and are listed). Only one paper was a systematic review, and was mainly concerned with the arts and social exclusion. This article considers treatment by papers found in relation to: arts appreciation; self-expression; art therapy; and preventing cognitive decline. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-130322265 A
ClassmarkEA: H4: F:59: D:F:5HH: 64A

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