Centre for Policy on Ageing


Reforming state pension provision in 'liberal' Anglo-Saxon countries
 — re-commodification, cost-containment or recalibration?
Author(s)David Lain, Sarah Vickerstaff, Wendy Loretto
Journal titleSocial Policy and Society, vol 12, no 1, January 2013
PublisherCambridge University Press, January 2013
Pagespp 77-90
KeywordsIncome [older people] ; Retirement pensions ; Savings ; Social policy ; Social change ; United Kingdom ; United States of America ; Canada ; New Zealand ; Cross national surveys.
AnnotationThere are good theoretical reasons for expecting pension reform in Anglo-Saxon countries to follow similar paths. Esping-Anderson (1990) identified these countries as belonging to the same `liberal' model of welfare, under which benefits, including pensions, are said to be residual and weakly `de-commodifying', reducing individuals' reliance on the market to a much lesser degree. Pierson (2001) has furthermore argued that because of path dependency welfare states are likely to follow established paths when dealing with `permanent austerity'. Following this logic, Aysan and Beaujot (2009) argue that pension reform in liberal countries has resulted in increasing re-commodification. In this review article, the authors review pension reforms in the UK, USA, Canada and New Zealand in the 2000s. In reality, the pension systems differed significantly at the point of reform. So the paths followed varied considerably in terms of whether they focused on `re-commodification', `cost-containment' or `recalibration'. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130322225 A
ClassmarkJF: JJA: JDD: TM2: TMH: 8: 7T: 7S: 7YN: 3K

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