Centre for Policy on Ageing


The accommodation experiences of older gypsies and travellers
 — personalisation of support and coalition policy
Author(s)Nicky Hodges, Sarah Cemlyn
Journal titleSocial Policy and Society, vol 12, no 2, April 2013
PublisherCambridge University Press, April 2013
Pagespp 205-219
KeywordsTravellers ; Accommodation [elderly] ; Housing [elderly] ; Social inclusion ; Well being ; Social policy.
AnnotationThis article reports on a study exploring the accommodation experiences of older Gypsies and Travellers and how specialist Supporting People services can enhance their wellbeing and social inclusion. The findings suggest that through development of pro-active, culturally appropriate services, flexible tailored support and joint working, these services have contributed to their users' wellbeing. Cuts to Supporting People funding pose a serious threat, especially in the context of loss of other services and changes to accommodation policy under the banner of localism. Targeted funding to sustain these specialist services could be important to redress risks of further marginalisation of Gypsy/Traveller communities. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130315202 A
ClassmarkTHG: K: KE: RNA: D:F:5HH: TM2

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