Centre for Policy on Ageing


Adult safeguarding and the role of housing
Author(s)Imogen Parry
Journal titleJournal of Adult Protection, vol 15, no 1, 2013
PublisherEmerald, 2013
Pagespp 15-25
KeywordsHousing [elderly] ; Protection [vulnerable adults] ; Social policy ; Literature reviews ; Evaluation.
AnnotationAt present there is a dearth of literature on the role and potential of housing and adult safeguarding. The purpose of this paper was to identify and encourage good practice in adult safeguarding by housing providers, despite their unclear and largely unregulated role in this area. The author carried out a literature search on policy and research on the role of housing in adult safeguarding. A number of factors driving increased involvement in adult safeguarding by some housing providers were identified in the literature, including the impact of the Supporting People (SP) programme, the No Secrets consultation, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC, 2011) report on disability-related harassment and the broad policy agenda around crime reduction. The responses to the No Secrets consultation (Department of Health, 2009) highlighted good practice by some housing providers in engaging with adult safeguarding. There are many barriers to successful engagement and joint working between housing providers and adult social care. However despite the current weak incentives for housing providers to engage in adult safeguarding, some have done so effectively, overcoming these barriers. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130308219 A
ClassmarkKE: CA3G: TM2: 64A: 4C

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