Centre for Policy on Ageing


Using online and paper surveys
 — the effectiveness of mixed-mode methodology for populations over 50
Author(s)Dana Huyser de Bernardo, Anna Curtis
Journal titleResearch on Aging, vol 35, no 2, March 2013
PublisherSage, March 2013
Pagespp 220-240
KeywordsInformation technology ; Computers ; Internet ; Social surveys ; Methodology ; United States of America.
AnnotationTo examine the effectiveness of mixed-mode methodology, this article draws on a study that used both online and paper surveys to collect data on a sample of the over 50 population in a small New England town. Respondents were offered the option of responding online or with a paper survey, an approach that addresses some of the major concerns about using online surveys among groups with limited Internet access, while also reducing costs and simplifying data entry. The authors demonstrate that response mode does not have a significant effect on survey answers, once demographic variables (such as employment and income) are added to the analysis. In addition, the results from this survey suggest that the Internet is useful as a tool for collecting data from those aged over 50. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-130308203 A
ClassmarkUVB: 3O: 3OB: 3F: 3D: 7T

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