Centre for Policy on Ageing


The importance of the supervisor for the mental health and work attitudes of Australian aged care nurses
Author(s)John Rodwell, Angela Martin
Journal titleInternational Psychogeriatrics, vol 25, no 3, March 2013
PublisherCambridge University Press, March 2013
Pagespp 382-389
KeywordsNurses ; Job satisfaction ; Stress ; Depression ; Well being ; Attitude ; Australia.
AnnotationThe work attitudes and psychological well-being of aged care nurses are important factors impacting on the current and future capacity of the aged care workforce. Expanding our understanding of the ways in which the psychosocial work environment influences these outcomes is important in order to enable organisations to improve the management of human resources in this sector. Using survey data from a sample of 222 Australian aged care nurses, regression analyses were employed to test the relative impact of a range of psychosocial work environment variables derived from the demand-control-support (DCS) model and organisational justice variables on satisfaction, commitment, well-being and depression. The expanded model predicted the work attitudes and well-being of aged care nurses, particularly the DCS components. Specifically, demand was related to depression, well-being, and job satisfaction, job control was related to depression, commitment and job satisfaction, and supervisor support and interpersonal fairness were related to well-being. The contributions of informational and interpersonal justice, along with the main and interaction effects of supervisor support, highlight the centrality of the supervisor in addressing the impact of job demands on aged care nurses. Psychosocial variables have utility beyond predicting stress outcomes to the work attitudes of nurses in an aged care setting and thus present further avenues of research for the retention of nurses and improved patient care. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130215207 A
ClassmarkQTE: WL5: QNH: ENR: D:F:5HH: DP: 7YA

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