Centre for Policy on Ageing


Late-life and earlier participation in leisure activities
 — their importance for survival among older persons
Author(s)Neda Agahi, Merril Silverstein, Marti G Parker
Journal titleActivities, Adaptation and Aging, vol 35, no 3, July-September 2011
PublisherTaylor and Francis, July-September 2011
Pagespp 210-222
KeywordsActivities of older people ; Recreation ; Participation ; Death rate [statistics] ; Life expectancy tables ; Longitudinal surveys ; Sweden.
AnnotationThe purpose of this study was to investigate whether activity participation in old age is important for survival independent of one's earlier history of participation. A nationally representative sample of 457 older adults was followed for 25 years with data from the Level-of-Living Survey and the Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old (SWEOLD) study. Cox regressions showed that regardless of earlier activities and health, late-life leisure engagement was associated with enhanced survival, especially among men. Among women, earlier activities (study groups) also seem important, perhaps by providing social networks. Results suggest that it is worthwhile to encourage older people to participate in leisure activities and to facilitate their participation in the community even in advanced old age. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130208211 A
ClassmarkG: H: TMB: S5: S7: 3J: 76P

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