Centre for Policy on Ageing


Improving personal budgets for older people
 — a review: phase one report
Author(s)Martin Routledge, Sarah Carr
PublisherSocial Care Institute for Excellence - SCIE; Think Local Act Personal - TLAP, January 2013
Pages38 pp
SourceDownload report: http://www.thinklocalactpersonal.org.uk/_library/P...
KeywordsSocial security benefits ; Independence ; Finance [care] ; Evaluation ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationFirst stage of a report requested by ADASS (Association of Directors of Adult Social Services) in order to explore challenges, identify positive practice and make recommendations for government action. The report drew on two surveys, namely the ADASS personalisation survey (2012) and the TLAP National Personal Budgets Survey (2011) as well as a review of relevant literature. The literature review identified challenges and potential solutions largely consistent with, and building on previous research. Key issue areas identified were: understanding what independent living means for older people; making choices and decisions; information and advice; direct payments support; understanding how PBs can be spent; budget management; monitoring and review; risk management and contingency planning; time issues (for decisions and planning, delays in process); continuity and consistency. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130205002 B
ClassmarkJH: C3: QC: 4C: 3A:6KC

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