Centre for Policy on Ageing


A call for a new positive psychiatry of ageing
Author(s)Dilip V Jeste, Barton W Palmer
Journal titleBritish Journal of Psychiatry, vol 202, no 2, February 2013
PublisherRoyal College of Psychiatrists, February 2013
Pagespp 81-83
KeywordsAgeing process ; Health [elderly] ; Psychiatric treatment ; Quality of life ; Well being ; Theory.
AnnotationIn this article the authors propose a new model for geriatric psychiatry to help meet the needs of a rapidly growing population of older adults. This positive old age psychiatry would focus on recovery, promotion of successful ageing, neuroplasticity, prevention and interventions to enhance positive psychological traits such as resilience, social engagement and wisdom. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130201215 A
ClassmarkBG: CC: LP: F:59: D:F:5HH: 4D

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