Centre for Policy on Ageing


Diversity in older people and access to services
 — an evidence review
Author(s)Jo Moriarty, Jill Manthorpe
Corporate AuthorAge UK
PublisherAge UK, 2012
Pages97 pp
SourceDownload report: http://www.ageuk.org.uk/Documents/EN-GB/For-profes...
KeywordsAgeism ; Services ; Health services ; Usage [services] ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationAge UK commissioned the Social Care Workforce at King's College London to complete a literature review on equality and diversity issues relevant to older people and access to services in the UK. The review was structured around the experiences of older people in terms of their protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010. The report covers the following service areas: falls prevention, home from hospital services, handyperson schemes, befriending and day opportunities. Each service area looks at equalities legislation and discrimination in relation to age and ageism, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion, gender and sexual orientation. The key conclusion of this scoping review is that despite the longstanding nature of equalities legislation in terms of sex, race and disability, the number of studies specifically designed to measure inequality in terms of these characteristics remains small. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130125001 B
ClassmarkB:TOB: I: L: QLD: 64A

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