Centre for Policy on Ageing


Doing what's important
 — valued activities for older New Zealand Maori and non-Maori
Author(s)Valerie A Wright-St Clair, Mere Kepa, Stefanie Hoenie
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 31, no 4, December 2012
PublisherWiley-Blackwell, December 2012
Pagespp 241-246
KeywordsActivities of older people ; Recreation ; Ethnic groups ; White people ; Natives ; Attitude ; New Zealand.
AnnotationThis project explored the usability of the World Health Organisation, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) for describing older Maori and non-Maori people's self-nominated important activities. Within a feasibility-for-cohort study, 112 participants, 33 Maori, aged 75_79 years, and 79 non-Maori, aged 85 years, nominated their three most important activities. Verbatim responses were coded using the ICF classifications and described using non-parametric statistics. Men and women mostly named domestic life, interpersonal relationships and recreation and leisure activities. While Maori frequently named extended family relationship activities as being most important, non-Maori named more recreation and leisure activities. The ICF is useful for classifying older New Zealanders' important activities, although some activities of older Maori were not specified in the original version used. While important activity patterns were similar for men and women, those related to ancestral connectivity and community collectivity were most important for Maori. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130111204 A
ClassmarkG: H: TK: TKA: TIN: DP: 7YN

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