Centre for Policy on Ageing


Morbidity profiles and lifetime health of Australian centenarians
Author(s)Robyn L Richmond, Jenaleen Law, Frances KayLambkin
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 31, no 4, December 2012
PublisherWiley-Blackwell, December 2012
Pagespp 227-232
KeywordsCentenarians ; Ill health ; Chronic illness ; Diseases ; Life span ; Australia.
AnnotationThe aim of this descriptive study was to examine the lifetime prevalence and initial onset of diseases among centenarians. 188 participants aged 100 or more were given structured questionnaires concerning the presence and timing of 14 common age-related diseases. The most common conditions were ocular disease (70%), arthritis (58%) and hypertension (40%). Average age at disease onset was 80 years, and average number of comorbidities was three. Participants were characterised into three morbidity profiles _ survivors (46%), delayers (34%) and escapers (19%). No participants had a diagnosis of dementia or osteoporosis before age 80 years. Overall results showed that relative to the general population, a select sample of Australian centenarians reported lower rates of chronic conditions, with many escaping osteoporosis, dementia, cardiovascular disease, respiratory illnesses, cancers, anxiety and depression. Increasing age was correlated with increasing morbidity but a few centenarians reached 100 years of age without disease. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-130111202 A
ClassmarkBBT: CH: CI: CJ: BG6: 7YA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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