Centre for Policy on Ageing


Self-care, plesio-care, telecare and m-care
 — a new assisted living model
Author(s)Kevin Doughty, David Godfrey, Billy Mulvihill
Journal titleJournal of Assistive Technologies, vol 6, no 4, 2012
PublisherEmerald, 2012
Pagespp 292-301
KeywordsHome care services ; Living in the community ; Assistive technology ; Person-centred care ; Cost benefit analysis.
AnnotationThis paper critically reviews the motivations for introducing different connected healthcare to support Assisted Living in older and other vulnerable groups. The aim is to develop a new sustainable approach. The authors consider the assessment criteria currently being employed and the resulting costs and limitations in providing a person centred approach. The implications of introducing new technologies such as plesiocare and mCare (mobile care) are then debated. One of the most cost-effective applications of technology was found to be in the support of informal carers but the telecare equipment that they are offered may not be the most appropriate. The findings are limited by a lack of formal risk assessments that are person centred. The implications include the need for improved training in assessment processes and access to a wider inventory of technologies. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-121221257 A
ClassmarkNH: K4: M: PAA: WEA

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