Centre for Policy on Ageing


Spiritual resiliency and aging
 — hope, relationality, and the creative self
Author(s)Janet L Ramsey, Rosemary Blieszner
PublisherBaywood, Amityville, NY, 2013 (i.e. 2012)
Pages266 pp
SourceBaywood Publishing Company, Inc., 26 Austin Avenue, PO Box 337, Amityville, NY 11701, USA. E-mail: baywood@baywood.com Web site: http://baywood.com
KeywordsOlder men ; Older women ; Spiritual characteristics [elderly] ; Family relationships ; Cross cultural surveys ; United States of America ; Germany.
AnnotationThis is a follow-up to the authors' previous study of eight spiritually resilient older women, in which the lives of these women are revisited. The transcripts of interviews with these women (four Americans and four Germans) have been re-examined in the light of new interviews with eight older men. The book relates to "the polarities of life" and how these older people "negotiate these polarities creatively". The book is organised in three parts: the hopeful reality of spiritual resilient ageing; the interconnected personhood of spiritually resilient elders; and reflective co-creation and the dynamics of spiritually resilient lives. An appendix explains the research methods used. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-121026201 B
ClassmarkBC: BD: EX: DS:SJ: 3KA: 7T: 767

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