Centre for Policy on Ageing


Sexuality in institutionalized elderly persons
 — a systematic review of argument-based ethics literature
Author(s)Lieslot Mahieu, Chris Gastmans
Journal titleInternational Psychogeriatrics, vol 24, no 3, March 2012
Pagespp 346-357
KeywordsSexual activity ; Personal relationships ; Social ethics ; Dementia ; Residents [care homes] ; Nursing homes ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationAdmission to a nursing home might challenge the way in which individuals experience their own sexuality, but it does not automatically diminish their need and desire for sexual fulfillment. Despite the fact that sexuality proves to be an intrinsic part of human existence, the sexual expression of geriatric residents remains a sensitive subject for many caregivers and family members. It evokes a variety of ethical issues and concerns, especially when dementia patients are involved. The overall objective of this review was to examine the ethical arguments and concepts about the debate on sexuality within a nursing home environment. A systematic search was conducted for argument-based ethics literature focusing on sexuality in institutionalised older people. A thematic analysis of the included literature led the authors to distinguish two major groups of ethical arguments, the first being principles of respect for autonomy and the concomitant notion of informed consent. Second, care: arguments related to care were also apparent within the research literature, although they received considerably less attention than the arguments related to the principles of respect for autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice. The lack of clarity in the conceptualisation of the arguments referred to in the research literature indicates that there is a pressing need for a better defined, more fundamental philosophical-ethical analysis of the values at stake. (RH)
Accession NumberCPA-121026081 A
ClassmarkBIU: DS: TQ: EA: KX: LHB: 64A

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