Centre for Policy on Ageing


The life course and cumulative disadvantage
 — poverty among grandmother-headed families
Author(s)Anastasia H Prokos, Jennifer Reid Keene
Journal titleResearch on Aging, vol 34, no 5, September 2012
Pagespp 592-621
KeywordsGrandmothers ; Grandchildren ; Grandparents as carers ; Age groups [elderly] ; Life span ; Ethnic groups ; Economic status [elderly] ; Poor elderly.
AnnotationUsing multivariate techniques the authors investigated how age, family type and race/ethnicity affect grandmother-headed families' economic resources. The authors examined four grandmother-headed family types that were classified on the basis of two features: parents' presence and the caregiving relationship of the grandmother and grandchild. Using data from the 2000 census (Public Use Microdata Sample 5%) to predict grandmother-headed families' official and relative poverty statuses, analyses indicated that age, race/ethnicity and family configuration were major explanations for poverty differences. The effects of race/ethnicity on official and relative poverty were greater among older cohorts than among the youngest cohorts. Additionally the effects of age on poverty varied by family type: the lower chances of poverty that were associated with older cohorts were not as great among two-generation families as they were among three-generation grandmother-headed families. The authors interpret these findings using a life-course perspective and cumulative disadvantage theory and discuss the implications for grandmother-headed families' economic security. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-121026073 A
ClassmarkSW2: SW5: P6:SW: BB: BG6: TK: F:W: F:W6

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