Centre for Policy on Ageing


'Happily independent'
 — configuring the Gwent frailty support and wellbeing worker
Author(s)Kevin Barber, Carolyn Wallace
Journal titleJournal of Integrated Care, vol 20, no 5, 2012
Pagespp 308-321
KeywordsCare support workers ; Training [welfare work] ; Independence ; Gwent [1974-1996].
AnnotationThe health and social care Gwent Frailty programme used a configuration approach by adopting "frailty" as its unifying theme across the seven agencies involved. In order to configure this role, the Frailty Workforce Group (FWG) identified three tasks: staff engagement, identifying the SWB worker training needs, and scoping the employment options for the new role. The authors report on the configuration of the integrated Support and Wellbeing Worker (SWB) role in this innovative programme from 2009 until April 2011, when the multi-agency Gwent Frailty Service (GFS) began. For those facing the same challenges as in Gwent, there are three key principles. The first is that having a unifying concept underpinned by the commissioned "Happily independent" study legitimately enabled the FWG to deliver on its three tasks identified by the Frailty Board. The second is that time spent on early staff and trade union engagement gives positive messages about their value within the role configuration. Finally, that developing an integrated role meant that core training and development had to be consistent, so that registered staff were confident they could delegate safely. (RH)
Accession NumberCPA-121026063 A
ClassmarkQRS: QW: C3: 97

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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