Centre for Policy on Ageing


The effectiveness of educational programs to improve recognition and reporting of elder abuse and neglect
 — a systematic review of the literature
Author(s)Kim L Alt, Annie L Nguyen, Linda N Meurer
Journal titleJournal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, vol 23, no 3, July-September 2011
Pagespp 213-233
KeywordsElder abuse ; Neglect [care] ; Paid welfare workers ; Medical workers ; Education ; Training [welfare work] ; Evaluation ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThe first methodological estimate of elder abuse and neglect, conducted in the United States in 1996, found that nearly 550,000 adults over 60 experienced some form of abuse. This figure is believed to be rising. However health professionals lack adequate protocols or knowledge to detect, manage and prevent elder abuse. This review evaluates existing literature on the effectiveness of educational interventions to improve health professionals' recognition and reporting of elder abuse and neglect. 14 articles described 22 programmes ranging from short didactics to experiential learning and targeted a variety of health and social service audiences. Most evaluations were limited to satisfaction measures. These programmes may result in increased awareness, collaboration and improved case finding. However using the published literature to guide new programme planning is constrained by lack of details and limited evaluations. The authors conclude that published literature should be expanded upon and used as a basis to developing new curricula in health education programmes. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-121026035 A
ClassmarkQNT: QNR: QP: QT: V: QW: 4C: 64A

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