Centre for Policy on Ageing


Papering over the cracks
 — the impact of social care funding on the NHS
Corporate AuthorNHS Confederation
PublisherNHS Confederation, London, September 2012
Pages8 pp (Briefing 248)
SourceNHS Confederation, 50 Broadway, London SW1H 0DB. Website: www.nhsconfed.org Download: http://www.dodsmonitoring.com/downloads/misc_files...
KeywordsFinance [care] ; Services ; National Health Service ; Social policy.
AnnotationDemand for both NHS and social care services is increasing rapidly, due to growing demographic pressure from an ageing population and an increasing number of people living with complex care needs. However, funding is not keeping pace with demand. This Briefing outlines the current demographic and financial realities of social care and how these impact upon the NHS. It shows the additional pressure that will be put upon the health and care system in the coming years. It sets out the NHS Confederation's recommendations for a lasting solution for the funding of social care (as set out in the proposals made by the Dilnot Commission), and a redoubling of efforts to integrate care. The Confederation calls for a cross-party consensus on solving the challenges raised. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-121001002 E
ClassmarkQC: I: L4: TM2 *

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