Centre for Policy on Ageing


Implementing a ban on age discrimination in the NHS
 — making effective, appropriate decisions
Corporate AuthorSocial Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships, Department of Health - DH
PublisherDepartment of Health, Leeds, 28 September 2012
Pages19 pp (Gateway ref: 18154)
SourceAvailable only as PDF: https://www.wp.dh.gov.uk/publications/files/2012/09/ban-on... Contact: Catherine Davies, E&I, HI&P - SCLGCP, Quarry House, Quarry Hill, Leeds LS2 7UE.
KeywordsAgeism ; Health services ; Law ; Government publications.
AnnotationFrom 1 October 2012, the Government has fully implement the ban on age discrimination enshrined in the Equality Act 2010, giving protection against age discrimination in services, clubs and associations and in the exercise of public functions. The Act makes it unlawful for service providers and commissioners to discriminate, victimise, or harass a person because of age. There will be no exceptions in health and social care. However, positive use of age in providing, commissioning and planning services will be able to continue: the Act does not prevent differential treatment where this is objectively justified. This briefing gives a short overview of the ban on age discrimination, and includes a list of online resources on the Act and the Public Sector Equality Duty. It is specifically aimed at those who plan, commission or provide NHS services, whether in the NHS, voluntary or private sectors. It has been developed by NHS Employers with the support of the Department of Health (DH), the NHS Commissioning Board Authority, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), the Local Government Association (LGA), Age UK, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), both the Welsh and Scottish Governments, and the NHS Confederation. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-121001001 E
ClassmarkB:TOB: L: VR: 6OA

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