Centre for Policy on Ageing


Think community
 — an exploration of the links between intergenerational practice and informal adult learning
Author(s)Mandy Thomas
Corporate AuthorFamily Learning Team, NIACE - National Institute of Adult Continuing Education
PublisherNIACE, Leicester, 2009
Pages23 pp
SourceDownload available at: http://shop.niace.org.uk/thinkcommunity.html
KeywordsAdult Education ; Social interaction ; Young people ; Case studies.
AnnotationThe Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) funded this research as part of a project on intergenerational learning aimed at improving practice through case study and policy analysis. The project formed one element of a wider research programme, building on the Informal Adult Learning review and initiating development work on the access strand. The case studies from ten contrasting localities provide examples of the ways in which intergenerational or multigenerational learning can transform lives. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-120824205 B
ClassmarkGP: TMA: SB: 69P

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