Centre for Policy on Ageing


 — the little blue pill with big repercussions
Author(s)Zoe L Barnett, Sofia Rebleda-Gomez, Nancy A Pachana
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 16, no 1-2, January-March 2012
Pagespp 84-88
KeywordsSexual activity ; Ageing process ; Drugs ; Spouses ; Personal relationships ; Attitude.
AnnotationErectile dysfunction (ED) affects millions of men and their partners worldwide. Viagra, widely used to treat ED, impacts on both individuals and interpersonal relationships yet social and psychological aspects of treatment are absent from the majority of research on the drug. The advent of Viagra has seen diminishing sexual capacities once linked with normal ageing now viewed as dysfunctional, with possible alternative psychological factors largely ignored. Research reveals a lack of discussion relating to the key users of Viagra (older men), with partners largely absent from the consultation process. In this article the authors identify gaps in the extant literature on Viagra, including the social, psychological and emotional impact on sexual relationships and the experiences of older men and women. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-120820005 A
ClassmarkBIU: BG: LLD: SN: DS: DP

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