Centre for Policy on Ageing


Chronic diseases in elderly men
 — underreporting and underdiagnosis
Author(s)Morten Frost, Kristian Wraae, Claire Gudex
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 41, no 2, March 2012
Pagespp 177-183
Sourcehttp://ageing.oxfordjournals.org/ http://www.bgs.org.uk/
KeywordsOlder men ; 60-64 age group ; Over 70s ; Chronic illness ; Diagnosis ; Clinical surveys ; Denmark.
AnnotationThe aim of this Danish study was to estimate the self-reported and clinical prevalence of common chronic disorders in older men. A questionnaire was sent to a random sample of 4,975 men aged 60-74 years. An age-stratified randomised sample of those with complete questionnaires was invited to participate in a telephone interview, followed by physical examination. Self-reported data on risk factors and disease prevalence were compared with data from hospital medical records. Physical inactivity, smoking and excessive alcohol intake were reported by 27, 22 and 17% of the study population, respectively. Except for diabetes, all the chronic diseases investigated, including hypertension, musculoskeletal and respiratory diseases were underreported by study participants. Erectile dysfunction and hypogonadism were substantially underreported in the study population even though these diseases were found to affect 48 and 21% of the participants,respectively. In conclusion, the study showed a high prevalence of detrimental lifestyle factors including smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and physical inactivity in older Danish men. Except for diabetes and respiratory disease, chronic diseases were underreported and in particular erectile dysfunction and osteoporosis were underdiagnosed in the study population, underlining the importance of awareness of chronic diseases among both the general population and physicians. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-120508005 A
ClassmarkBC: BBC: BBK: CI: LK7: 3G: 76K

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