Centre for Policy on Ageing


'We want a peaceful life here and hereafter'
 — healthy ageing perspectives of older Malays in Malaysia
Author(s)Noorlaili Tohit, Colette Joy Browning, Harriet Radermacher
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 32, part 3, April 2012
Pagespp 405-424
KeywordsAgeing process ; Health [elderly] ; Well being ; Spiritual characteristics [elderly] ; Malaysia.
AnnotationHealthy ageing concepts have been extensively studied in Western societies but few studies have explored the perceptions of older people from other cultural backgrounds. The aim of the study was to explore the conceptualisations of healthy ageing and perceived influences on ageing well amongst relatively healthy older Malays, a major ethnic group in Malaysia. Eight focus groups were conducted, with 38 participants recruited via community groups and leaders. Six themes were identified: spirituality, physical health and function, peace of mind, financial independence, family and living environment. A major focus in this paper was the role of spirituality in healthy ageing which was a core resource in participants' lives. Participants reported that good physical health was an important resource that facilitated commitment to their spiritual activities. Furthermore deteriorating functional ability appeared to provide an opportunity to optimise their spirituality rather than hinder it. Participants wished for a `peaceful life' and experienced this by enhancing their spirituality. Other ingredients for a peaceful life were financial independence, living in a place they loved and having family members living in harmony. In this community where religious affiliation was a tradition, spirituality could be fundamental for healthy ageing and its inclusion in aged care policy was imperative. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-120405003 A
ClassmarkBG: CC: D:F:5HH: EX: 7XA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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