Centre for Policy on Ageing


Enabling risk and ensuring safety
 — self-directed support and personal budgets
Author(s)Sarah Carr
Journal titleThe Journal of Adult Protection, vol 13, issue 3, 2011
Pagespp 122-136
KeywordsElder abuse ; At risk ; Safety services ; Person-centred care ; Social security benefits ; Independence ; Consumer choice.
AnnotationThis paper summarises key findings from a Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) report on risk enablement and safeguarding in the context of self-directed support and personal budgets. It explores how the personalisation agenda and adult safeguarding can work together, and addresses frontline concerns relating to empowerment and duty of care. Research findings and emerging policy, principles and practice are used to look at how self-directed support and personal budgets can be used to enable people to take positive risks whilst staying safe. The paper suggests that person-centred working in adult safeguarding, along with self-directed support planning and outcome review, can support the individual to identify the risks they want to take and those they want to avoid in order to stay safe. Defensive risk management strategies or risk-averse frontline practice may result in individuals not being adequately supported to make choices and take control and, therefore, being put at risk. Practitioners need to be supported by local authorities to incorporate safeguarding and risk enablement in their relationship-based, person-centred working. The paper concludes by listing a number of key messages and recommendations arising from the report. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-111208003 A
ClassmarkQNT: CA3: OK: PAA: JH: C3: WYC

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