Centre for Policy on Ageing


The South East Asian Conference on Ageing
 — Improving Well Being in Later Life, 17-18 July 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Author(s)Sen Tying Chai
Journal titleBOLD, vol 21, no 1, November 2010
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), November 2010
Pagespp 24-27
KeywordsAgeing process ; Well being ; South East Asia ; Conference proceedings.
AnnotationThe conference aimed to provide a platform for the sharing of experiences in preparation for population ageing in countries around South East Asia and beyond. In total two keynote addresses, four plenary papers, 39 oral papers and 32 posters were presented. Two workshops on social protection and well being of older persons were also conducted to identify critical issues and make recommendations. All conference presentations can be found at the blogsite at http://vvv.seaca2010.wordpress.com/. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-111117008 A
ClassmarkBG: D:F:5HH: 7HC: 6M

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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