Centre for Policy on Ageing


Multiple exclusion homelessness in the UK
 — key patterns and intersections
Author(s)Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Sarah Johnsen, Michael White
Journal titleSocial Policy & Society, vol 10, Pt 4, October 2011
Pagespp 501-512
KeywordsHomelessness ; Social inclusion ; Urban areas ; United Kingdom.
AnnotationThis article presents preliminary results from a multi-stage quantitative study of `multiple exclusion homelessness' (MEH) in seven urban locations across the UK. It demonstrates a very high degree of overlap between a range of experiences associated with `deep social exclusion' - namely, homelessness, substance misuse, institutional care and `street culture' activities (such as begging and street drinking). It also provides evidence to support the contention that homelessness is a particularly prevalent form of exclusion, with its experience reported as widespread by those accessing low threshold support services targeted at other dimensions of deep exclusion, such as drug misuse. Further, the analysis presented indicates that the nature of MEH varies geographically, with the profile of the population affected looking quite different in Westminster (London) compared with urban locations. The main explanation for this appears to be the exceptionally high proportion of migrants in the MEH population in Westminster, who tend to report lower overall levels of personal trauma and vulnerability than the indigenous MEH population. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-111011003 A
ClassmarkK4A: RNA: RK: 8

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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