Centre for Policy on Ageing


Food and nutrition security risk in later life
 — evidence from the United Kingdom Expenditure & Food Survey
Author(s)Chris Deeming
Journal titleJournal of Social Policy, vol 40, part 3, July 2011
Pagespp 471-492
KeywordsFood ; Nutrition ; 60-64 age group ; Economic status [elderly] ; At risk ; Social surveys ; United Kingdom.
AnnotationFood insecurity exists when people do not have the physical or economic access to obtain sufficient quantities of nutritious food. Nutrition insecurity is the failure to meet recommended dietary guidelines. This article examines the household characteristics associated with food and nutrition security in the United Kingdom population aged 60 years and over. Data are taken from the Expenditure and Food Survey (EFS), a continuous cross-sectional survey of household expenditure, food consumption and income. Three years of survey data (2002-05) provided a total sample of 5,600 households, comprising 3,069 single persons and 2,556 couples, all aged 60 and over. Household food consumption was evaluated using national Dietary Reference Values recommended by the Department of Health. A multivariate logistic regression model examined the risk of being food and nutrition insecure by individual and household characteristics. The results show that the vast majority of household diets lacked sufficient quantity or quality of food. Certain sections of the older population are significantly more at risk of food insecurity than others, namely low-income households, the oldest-old, elderly from black and minority ethnic groups, those with a disability, and men living alone. Targeted policies may be required to help ensure that some of the most vulnerable members of society achieve healthy balanced diets. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-110926006 A
ClassmarkYP: CF: BBC: F:W: CA3: 3F: 8

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