Centre for Policy on Ageing


Social care as first work experience in England
 — a secondary analysis of the profile of a national sample of migrant workers
Author(s)Shereen Hussein, Jill Manthorpe, Martin Stevens
Journal titleHealth and Social Care in the Community, vol 19, no 1, January 2011
Pagespp 89-97
KeywordsPersonnel ; Services ; Labour economics ; Immigrants ; Ethnic groups ; Statistics ; England.
AnnotationThis paper evaluated the characteristics of migrants working in the UK care sector as their first job. The sample was identified from the new National Minimum Data Set for Social Care, as completed by social care employers in England. Workers whose ethnicity was identified as not White British and who had their previous job abroad were used as a proxy of recent migrants. Findings revealed that this group of workers has a significantly different profile compared with other workers. Recent migrants in the care sector were significantly younger and held higher qualifications relevant to social care; however, there were no significant gender differences. They were also concentrated in the private and voluntary sectors and in direct care work. There were variations between recent migrants' ethnicity and their job roles, with Asian workers more prevalent in senior care positions. The authors conclude that the findings have a number of possible implications for social care workforce and providers, particularly within the current context of changing migration rules and social care reforms within the EU. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-110627005 A
ClassmarkQM: I: WH: TJ: TK: 3Y: 82

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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