Centre for Policy on Ageing


Analysis of library associated information needs of staff in a specialist palliative and gerontological care centre in Mid-West Ireland
Author(s)Joanne Callinan, Kathleen McLoughlin, Pauline McCarthy
Journal titleHealth Information and Libraries Journal, vol 27, no 4, December 2010
PublisherWiley-Blackwell, December 2010
Pagespp 286-294
Sourcehttp://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/hilj DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-1842.2010.00908.x
KeywordsTerminal care ; Medical care ; Information needs ; Medical workers ; Social surveys ; Ireland.
AnnotationMilford Care Centre is a major centre for specialist palliative and gerontological care in the Mid-West of Ireland. In August 2008, a Librarian was employed to support the information, research, teaching and professional development needs of staff and students. In planning associated with this role, it was necessary to undertake an analysis of the information needs of staff. The objectives: (1) To understand the information needs of staff with regard to the new Library and Information Service. (2) To identify current access to and levels of skill in information literacy and ICT. (3) To ascertain the need for training in those skills. A web-based questionnaire was disseminated by email and printed copies were left at other locations. Assistance with obtaining journal articles was rated most highly by respondents as being an important service. Eighty-three per cent indicated that they did not have access to online health databases. Small group classes were considered the preferred method of providing training. Afternoons were also considered more convenient for visiting the library. The results will be used to plan the development of the library with a better insight of users needs and assist us to utilise resources more effectively. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-101118201 A
ClassmarkLV: LK: UV:IK: QT: 3F: 763

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