Centre for Policy on Ageing


Osteoporosis in the UK at ... breaking point
Corporate AuthorPatients Association; British Menopause Society - BMS; Women's Health Concern; International Longevity Centre UK - ILC-UK
PublisherInternational Longevity Centre UK - ILC-UK, London, 2010
Pages15 pp
SourceILC-UK, 11 Tufton Street, London SW1P 3QB.
KeywordsOlder women ; Fractures ; Osteoporosis ; Medical care ; Policy.
AnnotationNew evidence reveals that the number, rate and cost of fractures in the UK amongst women aged 55 years and over is rising, as is the number of unplanned hospital stays, which has risen by 13% in the last five years. As the population ages and the number of women with osteoporosis increases, the economic burden associated with this disease looks set to rise: the current cost of osteoporotic hip fractures to the NHS is estimated to be £2 billion per year. This report demonstrates the true effect that osteoporosis has on women and its escalating impact on NHS resources and was developed by an editorial board of general practitioners GPs, specialist clinicians, nurses, commissioners, professional and patient groups and the ILC-UK, with support from Amgen and GlaxoSmithKline. The report sends clear calls to action for a rejuvenated, efficient approach to fracture care and prevention, as well as the need for osteoporosis to become a national priority. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-101118004 B
ClassmarkBD: CUF: CLO: LK: QAD

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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