Centre for Policy on Ageing


Research into the financial benefits of the Supporting People programme, 2009
Author(s)Tom Ashton, Claire Hempenstall
Corporate AuthorCapgemini; Department for Communities and Local Government - DCLG
PublisherElectronic format, London, 2009
Pages198 pp
SourceDownload report: http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/housing/pd...
AnnotationThe Supporting People (SP) programme provides strategically planned housing-related services which are typically parts of packages of support and potentially other services (which may be provided by the public, private or third sector). The programme is managed and delivered at the local level and decisions about which services to commission to meet local need and priorities are for the local authority to make. The services are provided to vulnerable people, with the goal of improving their quality of life by providing a stable environment to enable independent living. The programme provides support to a wide range of vulnerable client groups. These include people with longer-term support needs such as older people. They also include others, such as those experiencing or at risk of social exclusion, for whom a shorter-term intervention (either to build skills and confidence towards independence or to address and support through a crisis) is more appropriate. Launched on 1 April 2003, the programme drew together and provided a strategic framework for a range of existing funding streams and services. Communities and Local Government commissioned Capgemini to update a study to assess the financial benefits of the Supporting People programme. This included updating a national financial benefits model; building additional client groups into the model where possible and; adapting the national financial benefits model to produce a local model that can be used by Local Authorities to effectively evidence the value of housing related support services at a local level. Overall Capgemini found that investment in packages of support that include housing related support services avoids costs elsewhere and therefore produces a net financial benefit. A spreadsheet of the financial benefits model is also available from webpage: (http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/housing... (KJ)
Accession NumberCPA-101115203 E

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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