Centre for Policy on Ageing


Late life depression
 — a comparison of risk factors and symptoms according to age of onset in community dwelling older adults
Author(s)Damien Gallagher, Aine N Mhaolain, Elaine Greene
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 25, no 10, October 2010
Pagespp 981-987
Sourcehttp://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/gps doi: 10.1002/gps.2438
KeywordsDepression ; Symptoms ; At risk ; Living in the community ; Cross sectional surveys ; Ireland.
AnnotationIt has been reported that late onset depression is more frequently associated with acquired organic pathology and that patients are less likely to report a family history of depression. Differences in phenomenology according to age of onset have been described although these have not been consistently replicated. The majority of these studies have been in hospital populations. The aim of this Irish study is to address this question in a sample of community dwelling older adults. 89 subjects with GMS-AGECAT depression were identified from a sample of 1231 community dwelling adults aged 65 years and over. Subjects were analysed across a range of aetiological and phenomenological variables according to age of onset of first depressive episode. Subjects with late onset depression (60+) were significantly less likely to report a family history of depression, were less likely to report previous hospitalisation for depression and had greater cognitive impairment. Late onset subjects were also less likely to report feelings of guilt or thoughts that life was not worth living in the previous month.While the study found that patients with late onset depression differed from early onset patients according to certain aetiological risk factors, it did not find a distinctive profile of depressive symptomatology which might be considered clinically useful at an individual level. These findings are consistent with studies based in hospital populations. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-101112209 A
ClassmarkENR: CT: CA3: K4: 3KB: 763

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