Centre for Policy on Ageing


Is exercise effective in promoting mental well-being in older age?
 — a systematic review
Author(s)Gill Windle, Dyfrig Hughes, Pat Linck
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 14, no 6, August 2010
PublisherTaylor & Francis, August 2010
Pagespp 652-669
KeywordsExercise ; Well being ; Cost effectiveness ; Qualitative Studies ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThe clinical and cost-effectiveness of exercise and physical activity interventions on mental well-being in people aged 65+ is examined through a systematic review, meta-analysis, economic model. Reports published in English were identified by searching 25 databases, 11 websites and references lists of systematic reviews. Eligible studies were those with a comparison or control group or offering qualitative evidence relating to exercise and physical activity interventions for people aged 65+ living at home, in the community, in supported housing or in residential care homes. Eligible studies included outcome measures of mental well-being, not simply measures of depression or anxiety; low-quality studies were excluded from the data synthesis. An overall effect of exercise on mental well-being was found (standardised effect size = 0.27; CI = 0.14-0.40). The included interventions were designed for older people, targeted those who are sedentary and delivered in a community setting, primarily through a group-based approach led by trained leaders. As a minimum, the evidence would suggest two exercise sessions per week, each of 45 minutes duration. There is some indication that exercise can also improve the mental well-being of frail elders. Economic evidence indicated incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (compared with minimal intervention) of £7300 and £12,100 per quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained for community-based walking and exercise programmes, respectively. Mental well-being in later life is modifiable through exercise and physical activity. To generalise the findings, there is a need for more evidence of effectiveness from older people in the UK. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-101014208 A
ClassmarkCEA: D:F:5HH: WEC: 3DP: 64A

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