Centre for Policy on Ageing


Caregiving and volunteering among older people in Sweden
 — prevalence and profiles
Author(s)Magnus Jegermalm, Eva Jeppsson Grassman
Journal titleJournal of Aging & Social Policy, vol 21, no 4, October-December 2009
PublisherRoutledge, October-December 2009
Pagespp 352-373
KeywordsInformal care ; Voluntary work [elderly] ; Participation ; Citizenship ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Social surveys ; Sweden.
AnnotationThe role of older people in Sweden is examined, by exploring the prevalence of their informal caregiving and volunteering, and by analysing the profiles of these contributors of unpaid work. Data were collected by means of telephone interviews in a Swedish representative survey conducted in 2005. Analysis reveals three distinct profiles of people involved in unpaid activities. One of these consists of those involved both in informal helpgiving and volunteering, a group that has been labelled "super-helpers" or "doers" in earlier research. It is important for social policy planners to recognise these groups of older people and to better understand the dynamics of their unpaid work, in order to ascertain whether they might need support as providers to enhance their well-being. There does not seem to be any simple contradiction between the parallel existence of a universal welfare model of the Swedish kind and an extensive civil society in which older people play important roles as active citizens. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100929005 A
ClassmarkP6: GHH: TMB: IKC: F: 3F: 76P

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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