Centre for Policy on Ageing


Support planning & brokerage service for older people
 — self directed support
Author(s)Maureen Falloon, Deborah Fowler, Sally Prentice
Corporate AuthorAge Concern London - ACL; London Councils; Age Concern Bromley; London Borough of Bromley
PublisherAge Concern London - ACL, London, 2010
Pages49 pp (booklet) (+DVD 14 mins)
SourceAge Concern London, 1st Floor, 21 St Georges Road, London SE1 6ES. www.aclondon.org.uk
KeywordsSocial security benefits ; Independence ; Services ; Advocacy ; Coordination ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Instruction handbooks.
AnnotationA toolkit developed by Age Concern Bromley in partnership with the London Borough of Bromley. The service provides self-directed support for older people who pay for their own care and support needs. Working with a third sector partner and their Community Volunteers Time Bank, the service enables local authorities and NHS Trusts to invest in preventative services to support a greater number of older people to continue to be independent. The toolkit consists of a booklet, which describes the partnership and provides guidance for local authorities and third sector organisations on commissioning and delivering a support and planning brokerage; and a DVD in which people discuss delivering Age Concern Bromley's service. The booklet presents the business case for local authorities and their strategic partners to invest in creating a support planning and brokerage service for older people delivered by a third sector organisation. Areas covered include creating a service, views from older people and the local authority, and equality issues. The DVD accompanying this booklet was commissioned by London Joint Improvement Partnership and produced by Age Concern Bromley to demonstrate examples of the service. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100924201 M
ClassmarkJH: C3: I: IQ: QAJ: QK6: 69M

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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