Centre for Policy on Ageing


Population ageing in Thailand
Author(s)Somsak Chunharas, Ladda Damrikarnlerd
Journal titleAgeing International, vol 33, nos 1-4, 2009
Pagespp 1-74 (whole issue)
KeywordsAgeing process ; Family care ; Health services ; Social welfare ; Social policy ; Thailand.
AnnotationCoordinated through the Foundation of Thai Gerontology Research and Development Institute, a group of interdisciplinary researchers from Thailand present five articles on population ageing in their country. They use data collected from sources including a national survey, programme review and individual research. When the ageing of a population occurs at a rapid pace, as has been the case in Thailand, change occurs in three areas: in family relations; in health care; and in financial security. Also identified are the critical challenges facing similar ageing societies. John Knodel and Napaporn Chayavan contribute two articles: 'Older people in Thailand: a demographic, social and economic profile'; followed by 'Intergenerational relationships and family care and support for Thai elderly'. Next, in 'Health and health care system for older persons' Jiraporn Kespichayawattana and Sutthichai Jitapunkul consider the consequences of ageing and the differing individual needs of the oldest old and the young old. Worawet Suwanrada's 'Poverty and financial security of the elderly in Thailand' presents issues relating to pensions policy and old-age income maintenance programmes provided by the government and communities. Lastly, in 'National policies and programs of the aging population in Thailand' Sutthichai Jitapunkul and Suvinee Wivatvanit review government developments since the 1990s, notably the National Committee of Senior Citizens established in 1991 and the Second National Plan for Older Persons (2002). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-100906202 A
ClassmarkBG: P6:SJ: L: TY: TM2 7HG

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